domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014


The adults learn in a different way than children, it is necessary to take into account the following aspects for an effectively teaching. Adults want their learning to be immediately applicable to their lives, adults want to know why something needs to be learned, they are self-directed and problem solving oriented learners; that’s why is very important to choose an appropriate content, materials and activities according to their needs and interests, to keep the students engage in the class is key that the teacher plan the lessons responding to the learners needs.
It is recommend following a learner– Centered class, where you can develop activities in pairs and group work, or a project- based learning, that allows adults pursue their own interest with the opportunity of incorporate authentic material to the class.
The assessment process is the key feature of planning for teaching adults, the teacher needs to apply achievement test throughout the term class, to determinate how well the learners are picking up the material used in class always with the intention of improve it.

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